

I’ve hit a problem with writing every day. For a while, it worked fantastically well to pull up a blank Word document when I got to work in the morning, type out a sentence or two whenever I had a moment and inspiration hit, and email myself the result at the end of the day. I was hitting anywhere from 200-1000 words in a day, making great progress on the story, but suddenly it’s not working anymore. The main issue I’m finding is that as my story progresses and complicates, it’s harder to remember where I left off. I’m starting to amass a collection of fragments and scenes without a solid connection to the previous pages of the story. When I get home, it’s about all I can do to sort out the general order of what takes place when, and more often than not I’m too tired to get in there and start writing the passages connecting what I’ve been working on. It’s getting to the point where I’m writing maybe three days a week, and I’m starting to feel frustrated. I’ve been trying to think what I should do instead, and the main idea I’ve got now is to take my laptop to work with me, so I can write on the Metro and maybe hit a few hundred words during lunch hour. It means lugging another bag around with me, but I’ll have to see if that helps me get back on track with keeping writing a priority.