The blog hiatus was an unplanned one, but very much needed and appreciated. This has been an eye-opening semester, full of great writing from all over the world and seeing just about everything as a potential book. My final project for my Literary Publications class was a nontraditional book, which I will show you later this week. I finished up last week with about half a dozen new flash pieces, sections that can turn into larger stories, and a revised version of a story that was a lot of fun to write.

This summer, the plan is to write lots, read lots, wander museums in pursuit of my ekphrastic independent study, plan the rest of the wedding, get fit for said wedding, get back into the writing-submission game, find a new place to live, and go on a mission trip. Relaxed yet? For those reasons, I am not promising to also commit to a rigorous new blog schedule, although my goal is to resume posting on a (roughly) weekly basis. Here’s to the summer of changes.